Gastric Balloon
OBRERA® : Non-Surgical Weight Loss
ResultsMD is excited to offer the latest in non-surgical weight loss. 3.1x more effective than diet and exercise alone, the ORBERA™ Intragastric Balloon delivers real results without drastic measures. Learn how you can get real results and get on track towards healthy habits that will help you reach your weight loss goals.
Gastric Balloon, Miami – A powerful solution for body and mind.
ORBERA™ was designed by a team of physicians to be a simple yet powerful weight loss solution. A comprehensive, two-part program starts with a soft yet durable balloon that fills space in your stomach and reinforces proper portion control, which will help you maintain your weight over time. The balloon is temporary and placed in your stomach for six months.
Once the balloon is in place, you’ll receive diet and exercise coaching from a team of experts—which may include a dietitian, psychologist, and exercise physiologist—to help keep you motivated, provide advice, coordinate your program, and help you work through weight loss barriers to meet your long-term weight loss goals. Your coaching continues even after the balloon is removed at six months for a total of 12 months.
The two-part program is designed to provide effective, motivating results and the insights you need to help establish healthy behaviors keep the weight off in the long run. If it’s momentum you need, ORBERA™ can help you get rolling.
Placement of ORBERA™
In a non-surgical procedure done under a mild sedative, the thin and deflated ORBERA™ balloon is placed into the stomach. It is then filled with saline until it’s about the size of an grapefruit. The procedure typically takes about 20-30 minutes so you can generally go home the very same day.
Removal of ORBERA™
At six months, the balloon is removed in the same way it was placed. Through a non-surgical procedure done under a mild sedative, it is deflated first then removed.
The ORBERA™ Advantage
After six months with the ORBERA™ two-part program, people lost an average 3.1x the weight patients lost with diet & exercise alone.
Learn healthy habits to help you keep the weight off even after the balloon is removed.
A more than 20 year history of helping thousands of people lose weight.
#1 in global market share. More than 220,000 devices implemented worldwide in over 80 countries.
With the FDA approval of ORBERA™, patients now have a safe and effective treatment option.