Thigh Lift / Thighplasty

What is a Thighplasty?
A thigh lift reshapes the thighs by reducing excess skin, and in some cases fat, resulting in smoother skin and better-proportioned contours of the thighs and lower body.
Benefits of Thigh Lift/Thighplasty in Miami at Dr. Soler-Baillo Plastic Surgery
Restore skin elasticity in the thighs
Reduce sagging in the inner or outer thigh
Firmer, more youthful-looking and more proportionate body
About the Thigh Lift/Thighplasty Procedure
A thigh lift is a relatively simple outpatient procedure used to eliminate excess sagging skin on the upper thighs and create smoother, tighter legs. It can be performed alone or in conjunction with other body lift procedures.
It is important to note that a thigh lift is not a weight loss solution and is not recommended for patients looking to remove excess fat. However, if you are looking to remove a small amount of bothersome fat on the thigh area, liposuction can be utilized during your thigh lift procedure to provide you with your desired result.
Depending on the extent of skin to be lifted and removed along the location of the area you are looking to enhance, your surgeon will determine the best location of your incision. Incisions are made in areas as discrete as possible and can often be hidden by natural folds in the skin and undergarments. Typically when performing a thigh lift, an incision is made from the groin area along the natural fold of the skin around the back part of the thigh, addressing concerns along the inner and back part of the thigh. The underlying tissue is then lifted, reshaped and tightened; held together with deep internal sutures. Excess skin is removed and the skin along the incision site is closed.
Thigh Lift/Thighplasty Recovery and Results
After the Thigh Lift/Thighplasty procedure at Dr. Soler-Baillo Plastic Surgery Miami, it is expected to experience swelling, bruising and soreness during the first week following your procedure. Side effects will dissipate over the next few weeks. Following the procedure patients should refrain from strenuous activities for 3-4 weeks.